Socialists pride themselves on their supposed good intentions even as they fashion policies that create havoc and harm the people socialists claim to be...
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The gold in the US gold reserve is a legacy of the time the US government refused to keep its promise to redeem dollars...
J.B. Say deserves to be remembered, especially by Austrian economists, as a pivotal figure in the history of economic thought. Yet, one finds him...
While historian Walter A. McDougall was not a libertarian, nonetheless he had some Rothbardian insights on Woodrow Wilson and his reckless intervention into World...
Socialists pride themselves on their supposed good intentions even as they fashion policies that create havoc and harm the people socialists claim to be...
As total (mostly part-time) “jobs” rose 273,000 in May—thanks largely to made-up numbers—total employed workers fell by 408,000 people.
Keynesian economists have no good explanation for stagflation, rising rates of both inflation and unemployment. However, the Austrian School has long pointed out that...
Contra Keynesians, who believe that government spending and bureaucracy are the keys to economic growth, it is the bureaucratic state that swallows resources and...
Socialism does not infect our body politic just through economic measures. The current obessession with implementing DEI policies has all of the hallmarks of...
State-sponsored fiat money has been the norm for more than ninety years, but its very instability makes it vulnerable to a regime of sound...
Politicians will invoke the venerable just war theory when they believe they can manipulate the facts in their favor. In truth, it is the...
Israel’s defenders act like Netanyahu and his allies have had no choice but to react to October 7 in the manner that they have....
We are seeing Joseph Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction at work in higher education. The shake-up will continue.
Supporters of the new California minimum wage law for fast-food restaurants claim it will bolster economic opportunity for lower-income people. It actually will be...