In our present age, too many believe the “winner” of an argument is whoever unleashes the most insults. Norman Finkelstein’s recent “debate” with the...
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More than a century ago, Congress created the Federal Reserve System to intervene in the American economy. Not even the biggest critics of the...
The breakdown of the freedom of association, especially in the form of anti-discrimination law, is a main reason why social acrimony has so increased...
An end to Ukraine’s suffering requires a realistic deal with Putin, something that Trump at least partly understands.
In our present age, too many believe the “winner” of an argument is whoever unleashes the most insults. Norman Finkelstein’s recent “debate” with the...
So-called “desire paths” exist as an everyday testament to the flaws of central planning. They are a visual indication of the spontaneous order that...
Despite the usual cheerleading from the Biden-supporting mainstream media and academic economists, the US economy is in trouble, and everything Biden is doing makes...
As artificially low interest rates damage the economy, progressives in Congress demand more of the same. In the vernacular, they want the economy to...
The Fed has created its own narrative for far too long. This is why we are making our new Federal Reserve documentary. Help us...
A recent CNN broadcast claimed that deflation was bad for the economy and that we need to adjust to higher prices. As usual, the...
Congress and the courts have eviscerated the Constitution to empower police dogs. The injustices are massive, but the authorities don’t care.
“The public be damned” is a statement by railroad magnate William Henry Vanderbilt that has been twisted out of context. While the American ruling...
California’s legislature wants to combine the idea of two-part price discrimination with a soak-the-rich mentality in charging for utilities. What possibly could go wrong?