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Mises Wire author Jovana Diković has just released a new book on rural economic development titled T he Laissez-Faire Peasant: Post-socialist rural development in...
Author Glenn Ellmers has written a book that asks how Americans can be united, and he uses Abraham Lincoln as his example. Not surprisingly,...
A major reason the wildfires in LA last week were so destructive is because of how the government intervenes in the home insurance market.
In the global Ponzi scheme, thin air and deceit substitute for sound money. As hedge-fund manager Mitch Feierstein wrote in Planet Ponzi, “You don’t solve a Ponzi...
In a more reasonable world, people like Cheney, Rice, Bolton, et al., would all be forgotten, shamed, and disgraced for overseeing multiple disastrous wars abroad...
Being large doesn’t make a country wealthy, nor does being small shrink a country’s economy. Original Article: “No, Small Countries Are Not at an...
When Mises wrote that the fascists had “saved European civilization,” he could have been describing Francisco Franco of Spain, who kept Spain from becoming...